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Fun playtime with the dogs at the ranch!

We are working hard to find fun ways for you to see your dog while they are visiting either for a few nights boarding or even for day care. So we are tinkering with our video capability! We know ou love seeing the pictures, but a video is even that much more fun since you can see them in full action playing with their buddies!

Here is a compilation of a few clips from over the weekend we wanted to share with you. We are working on our skills in both taking and editing the videos so please understand that this may not be in the prettiest format yet, but hopefully soon we will get there!

You will notice that during the first couple of clips, the videos were taken from the point of view of our two dog ambassadors, Princess and Makario!

We love having your dog dudes stay with us and we thank you so much for choosing Dog Dude Ranch!

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