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Top things in your home that can harm you and your pet

Dangerous things for your dog

Keeping our dogs healthy and safe is any dog owner’s top priority which is why it is important to be aware of potential hazards in our own homes and environments. With a little knowledge, you can safely keep dangers away from your dog.

Below are a few things to help you know how to keep your dogs safe as there are many common household items that can be dangerous and even lethal to your beloved pet.

Cleaning Items Causing Renal Failure

This is one of the least known about toxins in your home as it has only recently been realized as a hazard. Dogs have been experiencing tragedies such as renal failure because of toxic overload from items such as floor cleaners. When we mop our floors, a small residue of the cleaner remains.

Thieves Household Cleaner is Safe for Dogs

Our dogs are barefoot and lay down with their bellies which absorb those remaining toxins as whatever touches their (or our) skin gets directly absorbed into their bodies. Over time, those toxins accumulate causing more and more harmful effects. Even products labeled as “natural” can be toxic as there are no regulations guaranteeing that they truly are safe when labeled this way.

It is crucial to use household cleaners that are non-toxic to your family, including your dogs. Our favorite non-toxic household cleaner is Thieves by Young Living as it is completely safe and can be used for any cleaning use you have including your kitchen, bathroom and floor. You can learn more about it here: click here

People Food

We often think it is cute when our dogs beg and ask to have a taste of our food, but it is not a good idea to indulge them. First, it teaches them bad manners as they will grow up always begging for food at our tables even when you no longer think it is quite as cute. But secondly, human food can have many dangers for your dog.

Also, dogs are naturally curious and will do ingenious things to get food that they smell. So make sure all of your food is securely stored from where they can get it. Even food on a countertop may not be safe as many dogs are great leapers or they can find a sneaky way to use a chair as a ladder to jump on top.

The top people foods to avoid for your dogs include:

  • Chocolate (chocolate is toxic to dogs and can cause serious problems ranging from vomiting to seizures)

  • Avocados (the seeds are a choking hazard)

  • Raisins and grapes (can cause renal failure)

  • Xylitol (found in sugar-free sweetened items and can cause liver failure)

  • Coffee

  • Alcohol

  • Onions and garlic (have an ingredient that kill canine blood cells and can be life threatening)

  • Chicken bones (can splinter and choke your dog or cause ruptures in their intestines)


A dog’s physiology is very different than ours so it is important to not give your dog human medication without the approval of your veterinarian. Your pet also might mistake your medication for a tasty treat and try to eat it so be sure it is always safely stored in a secured cabinet. A dog’s jaw is very strong and they can bite through many medicine containers so be sure to not leave them out in the open.

Outdoors or Garage Area

  • Pesticides: If something can harm another animal or insect, chances are, it is also harmful for your dog. Be sure to safely store these products far out of reach of your pet. If you are treating your home for pests, it is a good idea to keep your dogs away from the treated area for over an hour to be extra safe. It is also a good idea to opt for environmentally friendly products when choosing pesticides as it is safer for your pet and family.

  • Plants: Some plants can be dangerous to dogs if they are eaten. Including favorite holiday and decorative plants. For a full list of hazardous plants, visit here: comprehensive online list

  • Gardens: In addition to household plants that can be dangerous, some garden plants can too. But compost piles can be particularly hazardous as bacteria and fungi can grow that can cause severe damage to your dog.

If your pet has gotten into something dangerous, call your veterinarian immediately or if it is after hours, you can call the pet poison hotline by calling 888-426-4435.

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Cage-free dog boarding and day care. Wide-open spaces for your dog dude to play and have fun.

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Dog Dude Ranch of Miami


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6305 SW 120 Avenue

Miami, Florida 33183




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